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Summer 2023

5 Steps to Creating a College List

How do you figure out which colleges to apply to? Finding colleges that fit you best begins with self-discovery -- that means getting to know your interests, your goals and what’s most important to you. The following five steps will get you started on the right path! ASK YOURSELF SOME QUESTIONS

Dill-ecious Homemade Pickles

What You’ll Need 1 1/2 pounds Kirby or Persian cucumbers 4 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed 2 teaspoons dill seeds 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup water

Be Excellent With Buford City Schools

If Buford City School System (BCSS) is known for one thing, it’s excellence. Excellence in academics. Excellence in athletics. Excellence in the arts. You name it, it’s on the BCSS list of things to achieve. BCSS empowers students from kindergarten to high school seniors to become globally competitive critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, responsible individuals, productive citizens,...

Leaders & Legends: Wayne Hill

Some call them moments of lucidity – those fleeting, crystal clear glimpses that sum up a situation or circumstance in a way not previously seen. In a lifetime of public service, leadership and decidedly humble beginnings, Wayne Hill, now 80 years old, says it was in these rare moments that it came into focus...