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Choosing a School: a Lifetime of Memories Starts Right Here

Deciding where and when to send your child to school can sometimes be a tough decision. Am I ready to send my little 4 year old off to Pre-K or should I hang with them at home one more year? Will they be scarred for life if I wait til Kindergarten to send them off to school? So much pressure!

At least there are great options in Gwinnett both on the public and private school tracks.

Many families choose private schools because of the structure, the option of a faith-based curriculum and a host of other reasons. When you take a minute and think back to your childhood, many of your memories are probably tied to your school. It’s no wonder carefully considering options for our children weighs heavy our minds. It’s a big decision for sure.

Best advice? Start early and take your time evaluating your options. We’ve pulled together some info to help you on the journey. Whatever you decide, staying involved and focused will help make a lifetime of memories for your young scholars.



  • Is the school accredited by the state?
  • What is the admission policy?
  • How much is the yearly tuition?
  • Is there an enrollment fee?
  • What is the ratio of students to teachers?
  • What credentials do the teachers have?
  • What is the discipline policy?
  • Are there extracurricular classes such as band or drama etc?
  • Are there competitive or intramural sports teams to join?
  • Do they offer special education services for students who have IEP’s?
  • Does the school serve children with special needs?
  • Do students participate in field trips outside the school?
  • What standardized tests do they administer, and what are the results?
  • Does the school offer foreign language classes?
  • Does the school participate in the GA Private School Tax Credit Scholarship program?
  • What (if any) are the religious affiliations of the school?
  • What is the total number of students?




  • Individualized attention
  • Religious principles
  • Enriched academic opportunities
  • Top scores on standardized tests
  • Top scores on college entrance exams
  • Smaller class sizes
  • More parental control
  • Generally more parental involvement
  • Ample resources per student
  • Tougher disciplinary policies
  • School only has accountability to its clientele, not the county or state
  • Strict dress code
  • Some private schools just serve children with special needs, such as dyslexia. They are great for giving a child the specialized attention they need.