Publisher’s Letter

ThereÂ’s a lot to love about Gwinnett. Outstanding schools, from K-12 to college and beyond. Award-winning parks. World-class entertainment performing in venues just moments from home. Professional sports with a hometown feel. Restaurants of every...

Gwinnett high schools make AP Honor Schools list

Earlier today State School Superintendent Richard Woods released the list of Georgia schools named as AP Honor Schools. This list includes 18 of GwinnettÂ’s 19 traditional high schools (Discovery HS opened this school year),...

BYOD: Bring Your Own Device, What does it mean?

ItÂ’s become a buzz phrase in schools across the country. But what does it really mean? How will it affect instruction? And most importantly, as Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) moves in this direction,...

Jordan Middle Celebrates its namesake!

Jordan Middle School was named for H. Rhodes Jordan, a longtime citizen and public servant in the city of Lawrenceville. Hilliard Rhodes Jordan was born Oct. 16, 1918, in Lawrenceville. His paternal grandfather and father...

Get Your Official Black Knight Baseball Gear!

Please help support your Black Knight baseball team by purchasing official team gear! We have sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts and t-shirts available. - Sweatshirts are black embroidered with the new CG which is gold outlined...

Graduate for Mas Challenge at Central High

Are you ready to help Central win some money and have a celebrity visit our school?  If you accept the challenge; here's how you can help. CGHS will be participating in Taco Bell's Graduate for...

The CGHS Parent Academy

We looking for additional volunteers for our CGHS Parent Academy, a new parent initiative at CGHS.  The Parent Academy will feature parent ambassadors who will help foster connections between our parents and our school...

Black Knight Winter Sports!

JV Boys Basketball- Gwinnett Champs! Congratulations to our Black Knight JV Basketball team, Gwinnett Co JV CHAMPIONS!  They won 69-68 over Dacula. The school is very proud of the team and Coach Wages.   Our wrestlers competed at the Sectional Tournament this past...

Five Forks Middle 8th Grade Dance

  We are excited to share the news about our 8th Grade Dance that will be held on March 18th from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. The theme will be a black/white semi-formal. The students...

PTSA Spring Fundraiser at Five Forks Middle School

Information packets about the PTSA Spring Fundraiser were sent home with each student last Friday. The monies raised will go toward our STEAM/Technology initiatives and will help to provide tools that students can use...