Gwinnett Village CID

Gwinnett Village CID's mission is threefold: bolster economic development, boost property values and improve the quality of life through mobility, security and...

Gwinnett Technical College

What will you find at Gwinnett Tech? It could be life's next step, a career you're passionate about, skills that make you...

Gwinnett’s Top 4: Industry Overview

Some areas are known for a specific industry. Nashville has Country Music. Detroit has cars. Hollywood has movies. Orlando has tourism. Gatlinburg, Tennessee has...

A Hollywood ‘State’ of Mind

At first, you see a sign or maybe a large truck unloading lights outside of a nearby diner.  Then you hear that Paul Rudd...

Movies and Beer: Man’s Greatest Achievements Find Each Other in Norcross

You never know when you'll be "tapped" for show-business. That's supposed to be a pun by the way. Because if anyone had ...

Partnership Gwinnett Summit 2015

Partnership Gwinnett's 2015 Summit reflected an overriding theme – Gwinnett has been very successful in bringing industry into the county, improving and...

Gwinnett County Now a Hub for International Businesses

Economic development leaders from Partnership Gwinnett and the Gwinnett Chamber consistently travel worldwide to explore trade and export opportunities, recruit direct foreign...

The A Team: Partnership Gwinnett

If Partnership Gwinnett is Gwinnett's A-Team, Nick Masino is "Hannibal" Smith, and like the beloved television and movie character, he "loves it...

The House Success Built: Gwinnett County, GA

The success of Gwinnett's economic development is a group effort, county leaders say, the result of cooperation among business and industry, education,...

Gwinnett County Now an Epicenter for Technology Jobs

Technology is constantly evolving, and that means new companies are opening their doors just as frequently. Gwinnett County continues to build upon...