17 Questions To Ask When Choosing a Private School
- Is the school accredited by the state?
- What is the admission policy?
- How much is the yearly tuition?
- Is there an enrollment fee?
- What is the ratio of students to teachers?
- What credentials do the teachers have?
- What is the discipline policy?
- Are there extracurricular classes such as band or drama etc?
- Are there competitive or intramural sports teams to join?
- Do they offer special education services for students who have IEPÂ’s?
- Does the school serve children with special needs?
- Do students participate in field trips outside the school?
- What standardized tests do they administer, and what are the results?
- Do you offer foreign language classes?
- Does the school participate in the GA Private School Tax Credit Scholarship program?
- What (if any) are the religious affiliations of the school?
- What is the total number of students?