Over the summer, Collins Hill High School created a new vision statement, which is “Growing leaders for tomorrow through scholarship, service, and spirit.”
Right now, the focus is on the new class of freshmen. Assistant principals Dr. Martin and Dr. Nichols are carrying out the school’s vision statement by talking about leadership habits and attitudes leaders have and should follow with the freshmen. They started the second Tuesday of the school year and will continue for a total of five Tuesdays in order to have the freshmen caught up with the Habitudes lessons that the remainder of the school went through last year.
By combining a regular Habitudes lesson by Dr. Tim Elmore, the creator, with peer discussion and videos, the freshmen will leave the theater after their advisement period with more leadership knowledge than when they entered.
Besides teaching the freshmen important components of leadership, Dr. Martin and Dr. Nichols have the students in their leadership class. otherwise known as ‘Peer Facilitation,’ help plan the activities, facilitate discussions with the freshmen, and create the memos for the other faculty involved.
During these lessons, the majority of the freshmen are attentive and respond to the questions that get them thinking about the final message. With only two lessons in progress, many students have displayed their potential to be leaders as they encourage and support their peers.