If I could tell other kids with cancer anything, I would want them to know they arent alone.
– Gino Vizzi
Try to imagine being 16 years old and finding out that you have a rare form of incurable cancer. Gino Vizzi was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). At first it was hard. No one wants to hear the word cancer, he said, but my family helped me and now we are closer to each other than before.
Gino is a high school senior and making plans for college but he and his family and friends found time to create the P4 Foundation.
P4 stands for Pray For, Gino explains, Pray for the end of childhood cancer. The foundation gives half of the money it raises to research for childhood cancer and the other half to help pay for the expenses of kids with cancer. Gino is not only the face of the foundation (p4foun
dation.org), he consistently reaches out to other kids
with cancer.
If I could tell other kids with cancer anything, I would want them to know they arent alone. No kid should ever have to go through cancer alone, he said.