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Can’t Live Without ‘Em! My Three Daily Essentials

Written by Zeal Dobariya, Converge multimedia journalism intern and Senior at Gwinnett School of Math, Science & Technology (GSMST)

Three things that I cannot live without are my computer, my camera and books. All three of these are things I use on a daily basis.

My computer contains all the important documents that I need. I can also do more tasks on my computer than I can on my phone, which makes it more useful. My computer also allows me to use specific programs such as Zoom and Microsoft Office to complete tasks that I need to do. On my computer, I can also play games. This is another one of the things that I do often. One of the games that I play the most is “2048”. It’s really easy to play, which makes it a game that I play very often.

My camera is something I cannot live without because I like to document my everyday life to capture the memories of my life. Even if the photographs do not turn out well, I still like taking them because it passes time and it is interesting to look at your surroundings from a different angle.

The last thing that I could not live without is books. I normally read one to two books a week. Books help me to escape reality and look into a person’s life that is very different from mine. Without these three items in my life, my days would not be the same!