Our story: In 2014, Gwinnett Children’s Shelter made the bold, brave decision to change the way we help homeless children in Gwinnett and the Metro Atlanta area. “We modified our name to reflect our new mission and are now called, Home of Hope @ Gwinnett Children’s Shelter. We take homeless children with their young mothers, girls aging out of the foster care system and young ladies who have served our Armed Forces. We provide a loving, nurturing environment where we take our guests from homelessness, to hopeful, into a home of their own. We want people to remember that we are a forward thinking program designed to end the cycle of homelessness for two generations at one time.”
How We Help: We have a beautiful campus where our guests can feel safe and secure while working a customized life plan designed to end homelessness for each young family. “We provide all the necessary life skills training from parenting to financial management to living your life’s purpose.” Our guests are required to have employment within 30 days, save 30-50% of each paycheck and live on a budget whereby teaching how to sustain their own household upon completion of our program.
Problems We Solve: We are ending the cycle of homelessness by identifying the root cause and then fixing it.
Results We Deliver: We proudly deliver our young families into permanent housing with the ability to maintain that housing. We see our kids improve academically and socially with having a stable home life. We see our young mothers swell with pride knowing that they can make it on their own. All of these successes help alleviate the need for use of our social services, which, in turn saves everyone.
What Makes us Unique: We are really passionate about what we do and how we do it. Our staff have the wonderful opportunity to step into each young family with caring and compassion. We have them for a short time, however, we touch their lives forever.
What’s Next: Our primary goal is to open our newly renovated main building allowing life changing opportunities for approximately 30 more individuals. Each and every day were growing and it is our hope that we continue to be a great resource to those in need in Gwinnett County.
Phone Number: 678 546 8770
Email: mkornowa@gwinnettchildrenshelter.org
Address: 3850 Tuggle Road NE
Web site: https://homeofhopegcs.org/