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Galactic Quest: A Place for True Believers

In the world we live today, businesses play a major role. Gwinnett County is no exception, as it is home to a wide variety of establishments. In some way or form, these companies were able to define who we are as people as we find ways of discovering ourselves.
Galactic Quest, a personal favorite of mine, is a comic and game shop found locally in Gwinnett. Its history began in the year 1995, where Kyle Puttkammer founded the company.

One of the defining aspects of this business is their overall variety of merchandise. As I interviewed shopkeeper, Jami Jones, he stated, “These shops aren’t just collections, it’s a business, so it’s important to have variety and be open minded.”

This further exemplified one of the shops most defining features — the wide and impressive category of comics in their catalogue. With various publishers under their belt, and offering new experiences for audiences, Galactic Quest has shown a flair for bringing both old and new readers to their establishment.

As I pressed forward with my interview, Jami continued on, expressing her passion for comics and her delight in helping find the book that interests a person. I deeply related to this, as in years past I found a great deal of pleasure in reading and experiencing comic books, many of which I found at Galactic Quest.

From the varieties in artwork, stories and with an overall sense of heart, all of this and much more are to be found at Galactic Quest.