Written by Jaida Wamey, Quest intern and Senior at Dacula High school.
Is avocado a fruit? Is tomato a fruit? Are Strawberries actually berries? All of these questions can be boiled down to one big mystery: What makes fruit, fruit?
Merriam-Webster dictionary wrote, “Any thing that grows on a plant and is the means by which that plant gets its seeds out into the world is a fruit”. By this definition, if the plant containing seeds, it is technically a fruit. This would imply that a large number of the plants we previously mistakenly classified as vegetables—including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and eggplant—are actually fruits.
Avocados are regarded as fruits in this instance. Although they are not quite as delicious as what comes to mind when we think of fruit, they have all the same qualities. It is a berry with only one seed that thrives in more tropical regions.
There are some vegetables, like sweet potatoes, that have a naturally sweet flavor. These are utilized in desserts in a similar manner to fruit, including candied yams and sweet potato pie.
Fruits and vegetables both often include a lot of fiber and little fats. With a few exceptions, fruits often have less calories than vegetables because of their pleasant flavor. Typically, a substantially larger percentage of water is present in vegetables.
Botanically, there is a distinct difference between fruits and vegetables. In the end, consuming a range of both to benefit from the variety of nutrients they offer is more significant than the categorization of fruits and vegetables.