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Collins Hill’s Future Business Leaders Beginnings


The arrival of a new school year across Gwinnett County allows for great sense of opportunity amongst the vast number of students. More specifically at Collins Hill High School, amongst the various clubs that are available, Future Business Leaders of America is one to keep an eye on.

Through cooperation, bonding and team building, FBLA strives to support all those who wish to succeed in the future. Upon the arrival to the first meeting, it was clear that there was a great sense of ambition upon entering the room. It also helped that the FBLA state president, Chris Smith, was there to exemplify his passion for the overall program. As he conversed with both old and new members of Collins Hill High’s FBLA, Smith stated his reasoning for joining was through his friends who persuaded him to join.

The various competitions and his undisputable love for everything about FBLA led Smith to where he is today. Through this club, it was clear there was great sense of both potential and opportunity for all those striving to become a leader.