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Help Universal Joint Feed Our Hospital Workers!

Now more than ever, we need to support our healthcare professionals!

How much do we care about our healthcare workers?  One trip to the hospital reminds us all too quickly how grateful and appreciative we are for the front-line workers. The real heroes in the fight against COVID-19 are the ones putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us, treat us, and keep us safe. 

Let’s rally and show them some love!

Universal Joint in Lawrenceville is continuing their effort with the “Feed Our Heroes Project” at Northside Hospital Gwinnett. They are providing front-line healthcare professionals with nutritious, eat on the go meals that meet the guidelines required at the hospital. It’s awesome!

We need your help though.

With this unique program, just $10 buys a meal and shows your appreciation and your heart for our community.

Then, Universal Joint Lawrenceville will prepare a great meal and deliver it right to the hospital. Doing a good deed has never been easier.

Every donation matters, so do a good deed that helps fuel our front-line healthcare heroes. If you want to learn more, hear Bruce Kennedy explain the project in the video above.

And please, don’t underestimate the impact a simple act of generosity has on our beloved healthcare workers.

It means a lot! It’s quick, easy, and affordable. It’s like a hug in a box!

To learn more about the heart of Universal Joint, give a listen to the full podcast below.

You’ll see why Bruce Kennedy and his team are so valued in our community. They exemplify goodwill and giving back.  You’ll love the story and no doubt you’ll feel even more compelled to help the cause.