Students all across Collins Hill High School strive for greatness in all aspects, whether it be in athletics, academics, or improving the community. One student in particular comes to mind when one thinks of excellence, and she is an 11th grader named Sheefa Ali.
At first glance, Sheefa seems like any other student at our school. She shuffles in at 7:00 sharp, chats for a moment with her friends, and then heads off to her classes. She even procrastinates just like any other student! However, upon deeper reflection, she is unlike many of us in one particular way: she cares.
Sheefa Ali was awarded the honor of becoming a delegate with Jackson EMC last year and got the opportunity to tour our nation’s capital of Washington, DC last summer. She even gets to go again this year through the Anti-Defamation League. Along with all of those major accomplishments, Sheefa is an active member in many service or leadership organizations, including but not limited to Collins Hill Leadership Team (CHLT), Beta Club, and National Honor Society (NHS).
On top of all of the organizations and clubs she participates in, Sheefa helps to improve the student life at Collins Hill by mentoring her fellow peers through a program known as TORCH, as well as her involvement in the committee to bring our first ever Culture Night to Collins Hill last year. Clearly, she chooses to take out a part of her day to help others, not just go through the motions for a plus on her college application. Sheefa Ali simply loves to improve her school, with or without praise. She’ll even smile and say hello to a passing friend, even if they didn’t notice her. Collins Hill is lucky to have a student like Sheefa Ali representing the school and increasing integrity.