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Andy Stanley: How to Tame Discontentment

Thanks to social media, it has never been easier to see everything you could have that you don’t have. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but most of us still gaze across the fence anyway. And as you stare and scroll, it doesn’t take long to become dissatisfied with what you drive, where you...

Can we feed the good?

2020- The lessons keep on coming We’re learning a lot this year. Adversity is proving a good teacher for most. We’re not always ready to learn, but the lessons don’t really mind our time. So much to think about. They say a lie can travel half way round the world Before the...

Spiked Mulled Cider, Anyone?

Spiced cider & fall weather – now those are two things that were meant to be together! Seriously, it is like October in a cup. With mulling season among us, everyone needs a good spiked mulled cider recipe up their sleeve to serve at their next Halloween party or Thanksgiving dinner.

You are Engaged, Now What?

You are Engaged, Now What? Planning a wedding these days is not for the faint of heart. It takes some serious planning and organizational skills – like you have to Marie Kondo your life really quick. The second that ring goes on your finger; it is game time! It is time to find...

What’s becoming of us? Can’t we just talk anymore?

What's becoming of us? Can't we just talk anymore? Our world these days can get ya down in a minute. I mean, common sense doesn’t seem too common, and what happened to mercy and grace? We’re so quick to judge and attack. Quick to...

DAG: Hold Steady and Don’t Derail

Turn on the news or read the news online and you’re likely to see another collection of health worries, business troubles and governmental officials delivering news that just doesn’t give ya that warm and fuzzy feeling. Unemployment is rising, downsizing and layoffs are happening already, and economic woes are coming at us head-on.

DAG: Hold steady and Don’t Derail

Turn on the news or read the daily newspaper and you’re likely to see another day’s collection of crime, trauma and business gone bad. Unemployment is up, downsizing and layoffs are commonplace, and economic woes cover the pages. Our big picture view, our long-term perspective, gives way to attention-grabbing...

DAG: Feel the Power

How often do you get irritated at the hands of other people? When was the last time you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Did something set you off and put you in a foul mood when you got into the office? Have you had a cranky day lately?...