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The Link Between Oral Health and Your Health: Gwinnett Family Dental Care

When we get a toothache or experience other types of pain in our mouths, we think it ends there – in the mouth. That’s not always the case, according to Dr. Kell Gallaher with Gwinnett Family Dental Care.

Dr. Gallaher says your oral health can often offer clues about your overall wellbeing and even affect the entire body.

“Gwinnett Family Dental Care wants to help you protect yourself by offering more information about this connection between your oral health and overall health,” Dr. Gallaher says.

While much of the bacterium in your mouth is harmless, the type that develops with certain health issues, such as gum disease, can spread illness.

Just a few of the diseases good oral health can prevent include endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, birth complications and pneumonia. When oral health gets ignored – or life becomes busy, and dentist appointments get postponed – bacteria from your mouth can sometimes travel into your bloodstream, your heart and your lungs.

Protecting your oral health means practicing good daily oral hygiene.

  • At least twice a day, brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily.
  • Try mouthwash to remove leftover food particles after brushing.
  • Eat healthy and decrease foods with added sugars.
  • Schedule regular dentist visits.
  • Replace toothbrushes every three months.
  • Don’t use tobacco.

Contact your dentist if you’re concerned about oral health problems. Always keep your dentist up to date on medications you take, especially if you have been recently ill or have chronic health conditions.

The friendly dental professionals at Gwinnett Family Dental Care are happy to answer any questions about oral hygiene and its link to overall health.

“It’s important to realize that taking care of your oral health is an investment in the health of your whole body,” Dr. Gallaher says. “Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups are among the most important measures you can take to stay healthy.”

Gwinnett Family Dental Care is located at 3455 Lawrenceville Highway in Lawrenceville and offers an expanded list of dental services that help to avoid outside referrals for its patients. The office is also open extended hours – Mondays through Saturdays (closed on Wednesdays) – to accommodate the busy schedules of their patients.

To learn more about Gwinnett Family Dental Care, or if you have questions about your oral health as it relates to overall health, give them a call at 770-921-1115 or visit