Eastside Medical Center performs over 500 joint replacement surgeries annually. Recent advances in robotic surgery have given Eastside’s Joint Destinations team a new tool to enhance the surgical experience for joint replacement patients. In August of 2018, Eastside added the MAKOplasty Robotic-Arm System to their robot family, the first robot of its kind to arrive in Gwinnett County. Specifically designed for joint replacement, this system provides each patient with a personalized surgical experience based on their specific diagnosis and anatomy.

At Eastside, the Mako robotic-arm assisted application is used as a knee replacement treatment option designed to relieve the pain caused by joint degeneration due to osteoarthritis. Surgeons utilizing this robotic technology have a more predictable surgical experience with increased accuracy, resulting in superior outcomes, less scarring, and the patient’s favorite benefit — a faster recovery time.
“For at least a half-dozen years prior to the surgery, my ability to do the things I wanted was very impaired. I often used a cane just going grocery shopping. I spent a great deal of time just sitting. (After knee replacement surgery utilizing the Mako robot in December 2018), those days are over! Tricia and I love to travel, but for years I was unable to make the most of it due to the pain in my knee. We will be traveling to South America later this year and I look forward to finally being able to keep up with traveling companions and take advantage of all the many wonderful experiences life presents.”
— Clifford Heindel, patient