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Bring Your Kids to Work at Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville!

A strong Internet connection, especially now with schools switching to digital learning, has become paramount to the success of students all around the country. However, not every student has access to technology on a daily basis as schools require. That’s why local businesses like Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville have leaped into action to assist students in need.

“Essentially we took our sick waiting room that has not been used for the last six months and turned it into a classroom,” explains Dr. Anu Sheth, founder, and president of Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville (PAL).

The refurbishing went above and beyond: it was a classroom complete with tables, baskets, and encouraging decoration. If an outsider stepped in, it would be indifferentiable from a real classroom in a school. But on top of that, PAL hired a teacher to act as an instructor for the students, the children of the employees at the facility. And it seems everyone has benefited from this arrangement: the students learn in a secure place, employees are free from worrying about their children’s education, and the teacher finds employment during a difficult time.

“So far it has worked out very well!” comments Dr. Sheth. “The kids, parents, and teacher seem to be managing this new learning environment, although it is not without its challenges.”

PAL is a medical facility dedicated to serving the communities of Lawrenceville and Gwinnett through pediatric care and education. All pediatricians at the PAL are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics and are board-certified. To contact PAL or get more information, click here to access their website.