Many parents have recently signed their kids up for the latest fall youth sports leagues – football, soccer, cheerleading, and many more. But not all kids are interested in playing sports. Some would rather just play video games.
If you’ve ever worried about your child not getting as many chances to socialize with other kids their age since they don’t enjoy sports, then maybe you should look into the new rising trend of Esports.
Esports is a form of competition using video games. Most commonly, esports takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions. It’s like being part of a team, but instead of sports, it’s video game competitions.
Now, the trend is coming to Gwinnett in a big way. N2 Esports is a new youth league designed to give non-sports-playing kids a chance to be a part of a youth league.
The league’s three goals are to develop, educate, and compete. The league seeks to help kids develop their gaming skills through weekly practices; educate through weekly practice and competition sessions which include teaching lessons in positive physical, nutrition, mental and social habits; and compete against each other with positive sportsmanship.

In its debut season, N2 Esports has three leagues: Fortnite, Madden, and Rocket League. All three games are popular in the gaming community and bring different environments and strategies to each league.
If you’re wondering whether Esports is worth your time, it might be.
There could be a future for your gamer in Esports. This year, the Esports market is set to reach $1 billion in revenue. One of the biggest Esports tournaments League of Legends had 58 million viewers in 2017, more than that year’s MLB World Series.
Many colleges are now looking into having their own Esports competitions and teams – and some schools are even offering scholarships.
Esports is up and coming. Maybe it’s time to check it out.