Written by Kristine Choi, Converge multimedia journalism intern and Senior at Peachtree Ridge High School
Dogs are also known to be a “man’s best friend.” They are the perfect
companion to have for emotional support, social skills, and even safety
purposes. However, just like how every human has different personality traits,
dogs differ by breed. So, let us match you with your perfect puppy friend!
If you were to describe your personality in one word, what would it be? We’ll
help you narrow it down to four options: playful, calm, intelligent or
If you chose “playful”, your perfect companion is a beagle! Beagles are high
energy and require lots of playtime. They love company and make great family
pets. If you already own a pet, beagles are known to get along great with other
dogs. However, beagles can be quite the troublemaker at times. They are
constantly curious and have the need to get involved in every situation. On the
bright side, they are absolutely adorable with their big brown eyes and floppy
For all the calm readers out there, say hello to your new pup, Cocker Spaniel!
Spaniels are independent and easy to train. It comes from their background of
being hunting dogs. They make the perfect companion for seniors, children, and
first-time pet owners. Not to mention, their long, luscious coats make them the
perfect pageant dog.
Let’s say your dominant trait is intelligence. Welcome your new pet, Border
Collie! Border collies are easily trainable and highly intelligent. Therefore, they
make a perfect canine sport dog. Do not get overwhelmed by their energy,
however. Border collies are equally as affectionate and cuddly. One downfall of
owning this breed: You must be comfortable with a dog who can outsmart you!
Finally, family-oriented people need loving animals. The perfect match for you
are Golden Retrievers! Retrievers are even-tempered and very affectionate.
They keep their puppyish behavior all throughout their lifetime. They are great
with children, strangers, and get along great with other pets. They’re also eager
to please so they make perfect service dogs.
Adopting a dog takes a lot of responsibility and care. When you are ready to
enter the hectic, but rewarding lifestyle of a puppy parent, choose wisely. Make
sure you are choosing the pet that best matches your personality!