Anastasiia Pliashko has been chosen to represent Gwinnett Technical College at the statewide EAGLE (Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education) Leadership Institute in March 2024. The Leadership Institute recognizes and honors students with superior achievement in adult education classes and programs.
Anastasiia’s story certainly exemplifies all that the EAGLE program is about. A resident of Cumming, Anastasiia, first came to the United States in August of 2022 from Ukraine. She enrolled in Gwinnett Tech’s HSE (High School Equivalency) program to earn her GED. After completing her HSE, Anastasiia intends to pursue her associate degree in business management.

Anastasiia chose Gwinnett Tech and the HSE program because “I always wanted to be educated and smart, and this educational journey helped me to start my life again. My relatives here helped me with enrollment, and I chose Gwinnett Tech for several reasons. First, my aunt recommended it; secondly, I read a lot about it and loved it! I could choose between online and in-person classes and make my schedule.”
“Being named the EAGLE winner means a lot to me. It has given me the confidence to reach my goals and the motivation and opportunity to do it,” stated Anastasiia.
The Technical College System of Georgia, through its Office of Adult Education, sponsors the annual Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Leadership Institute. EAGLE is the first statewide program in the nation that recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in adult education programs. The student recognition program is designed to create greater awareness of educational opportunities available in local communities across the state and foster greater involvement in lifelong learning pursuits.