For the seventh year in a row, Gwinnett will have runners and walkers bearing the crisp October morning. Donning vibrant pink shirts, skirts, and bands, participants will ready themselves across a starting line at Coolray field. They will chatter amongst themselves as speakers amp up the crowd. The contestants will begin to grin and cheer and a countdown will be heard through a megaphone. At “Go!” the participants will bound off as the crowd cheers them on.
Once again, hundreds will take part in the annual Paint Gwinnett Pink 5K sponsored by Northside Hospital and hosted by Coolray Field.
It’s an event dedicated to celebrating survivors, supporting fighters, remembering the departed, as well as raising awareness and funds for breast cancer programs.
These funds are tailored toward providing women access to mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs not covered by insurance. Whereas these procedures typically cost hundreds out of pocket, the fundraiser will afford hundreds of individuals in Gwinnett access to early detection services, transportation and other additional services.

As of now, the 2022 Paint Gwinnett Pink race has raised over 1.2 million dollars. These funds will go towards those who don’t have insurance or for instances in which insurance won’t cover expenses. Moreover, the funds raised will remain within Gwinnett to help support those affected in the local community. Prior events have even supported upgrades to local mammogram machines from film to digital and now to 3D. Rather than struggling to decipher breast tissue from a static image, innovative equipment allows doctors to scrutinize the breast in layers. The modernization has decreased the number of false positives and call-back rates, which results in reduced costs and anxiety.
If you’re interested in joining, this year’s event takes place Saturday, October 15, 2022. While the race will start at 9:00 am, the event itself will officially begin at 7:00 am. To register, there is a 35-dollar fee per participant. In-person sign-ups will be held between 7:00 am and 8:55 am. Before and after the race, you can purchase additional t-shirts, photos, food, and other items. There will be live music as well as survivor and award ceremonies throughout the event. So come on and join!
Let’s Paint Gwinnett Pink!
Learn More:
Paint Gwinnett Pink Facebook Event Page
Photos Sourced from Paint Gwinnett Pink
To Learn More about other Cancer Awareness Months: Cancer Awareness Calendar