A team of dedicated student-doctors from PCOM Georgia, the state’ only osteopathic medical school, which is located in Suwanee, Georgia, is working with local establishments to offer free flu shots for uninsured adults. The student-run organization, known as the PCOM Georgia HEARTS Club, formed in 2019 by Andrew Morrissey (DO ‘23), aims to offer healthcare services to...
Northside Hospital's 5th Annual Paint Gwinnett Pink event will look a little different this year.
Every October, Northside Hospital hosts the largest 5k event supporting breast cancer in Gwinnett. If you have witnessed it before, you know that it is way more than just a walk - it is a movement and a...
September is National Yoga Month and all month long Live Healthy Gwinnett will offer free Yoga in the Park. The events are for Gwinnett County residents of all ages and skill levels! Certified Instructors from some of the best Gwinnett studios will be there to help facilitate the sessions, so you can enjoy nature and celebrate the...
As we all know, the current pandemic has made it tricky to continue participating insome of our favorite community activities. That’s why Norcross Community Marketdecided to switch from their usual open farmers market to a drive-thru service!
There are so many benefits to eating local. It’s more sustainable because it cuts downon transportation emissions,...
Help Universal Joint Feed Our Hospital Workers!
Now more than ever, we need to support our healthcare professionals!
How much do we care about our healthcare workers? One trip to the hospital reminds us all too quickly how grateful and appreciative we are for the front-line workers. The...
Northside Hospital will expand the emergency department at Northside Hospital Gwinnett in Lawrenceville, Georgia, marking a significant milestone as the Northside-Gwinnett Medical Center merger approaches its first anniversary.
The project, which was approved by the Georgia Department of Community Health on Aug. 10, includes renovation of the existing emergency department and adjacent imaging services....
Over 20 years ago, after her second bout with cancer, Stephanie Wolfe was devastated. She thought, "What do I need to know that I don’t know, because I don’t ever want to go through this again!" She jumped into food science, health research, and began applying what she was learning.
In recent months we have seen many gyms adapt and thrive by going online and offering virtual training and fitness classes. This is a great option for busy parents who can’t escape to the gym or even just those who need a little bit of time before they feel comfortable getting back into the swing of things....