Hey guys, I hope you are doing well and doing the best you can through this crisis. I mean, I hope that we’re starting to emerge and finding some brighter days ahead. Small business is going to be hit hard and I think that everybody who’s in the small business needs support, right? And so if you’re a citizen of Gwinnett County, when things start coming back, please give some loyalty and support to your local small businesses. They’re going to need you, right? If you’re in small business, just remember that we at Gwinnett Magazine are offering you guys some free advertising. You can log on to gwinnettmagazine.com/smallbiz and you can put up some free advertising that we’re going to post on our websites and feature in our e-newsletters.

We also just added another freebie for you to help get the word out, we’ve got a phone number down in the feed, you can call it, leave us a message and we’re going to feature those in our podcast. Your message can just tell us who you are, maybe leave us a little bit of helpful advice that you know, maybe something inspirational, a Bible verse, quote, whatever it is that helps you get through these tough times. Drop that on us and we’re going to feature you guys on our upcoming podcast.

Call 770-765-5192 to leave us a voicemail in the inbox. Tell us who you are, about your business, and an encouraging message and we’ll use it on our show! 


I just want to encourage everybody to hang tough. It’s certainly a call for patience. We’ve got to work our way through this, right? I have this three point thing; think, work and rally. We’ve got to think our way through it. We do have to spend some time and assess this new world that we’re in and come up with creative ways and innovative ways to save our businesses.

It’s not unlike things that we faced in the past, the challenges that we faced before small business, it’s still out there. We still got the stuff. We just got to do it. We got to think it. We’ve got to work it and we got to rally. I hope and pray that all of us are going to come back better and stronger than ever. If we at Gwinnett Magazine can help you guys, just drop us a note, email, phone call, and we look forward to serving you more in the future. So hang tough guys.