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Summer 2023

America’s Voices of Hope: Class of 2023

In a world filled with negative news, there is still hope and excitement brewing among America’s youth. These incredible students refuse to let the negativity bring them down. Our top students from schools across the county can teach us a valuable lesson: how to embrace our dreams and persevere. Their ambitious goals and innovative...

Homework Hacks

Brain power time! Get ready for that study session with these helpful homework tips that work for everyone from preschoolers to college students. Put AWAY electronics. That cell phone dinging won’t do ya any good. If a computer is a must (and with remote learning it often is), turn off any kind of notifications...

Andy Stanley: How to Tame Discontentment

Thanks to social media, it has never been easier to see everything you could have that you don’t have. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but most of us still gaze across the fence anyway. And as you stare and scroll, it doesn’t take long to become dissatisfied with what you drive, where you...

Exploring Hometown Universities

The University of Georgia - Gwinnett Campus caters to working professionals and businesses from its Lawrenceville location. It provides graduate-level programs in various fields, including pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, information technology, higher education, non-profit leadership, social work, public administration, sports management, and business. UGA faculty members lead the programs from their respective schools or colleges. The campus offers...

Healthy Snacks. Crazy Facts.

Trail Mix. What is it? Well duh, it’s a mix of nuts, seeds and dried fruit that is packed with protein as well as minerals and vitamins so that you can walk on trails and such. “Do ya want some GORP?” The term “trail mix” was coined in 1910 by Horace Kephart in his...

Preventative Health Hacks

Staying Healthy could be as easy as following a few steps a day Breathe Right: Breathe from your diaphragm instead of your chest to maximize oxygen intake, improve circulation and enhance body function. Wash your hands often: You touch things throughout the day, meaning your hands are one...

Teacher’s Pet: The Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers gifts

Do's Personalized Pencils - Help teachers keep track of their writing supplies by customizing them with their name (not yours).  School Supplies - These are often something that is paid for out of pocket, so from erasers to notebooks, we know they’ll appreciate it.  Plants - Make...

Let’s Talk Growth and Excitement! Gwinnett Economic Development.

In Gwinnett, economic development means creating endless opportunities for everyone. With a million souls calling this place home, it’s all about growth – not just in jobs and income, but also in the ways we can invest in a fantastic life! Gwinnett’s cities are on a mission to become the ultimate places to live,...